Tuesday, 16 January 2018

Going Fishing

This is amazing.

Stop motion film, shot on a desktop in a bedroom, by Swedish animator Guldies.

Papier Machine

This beautifully designed book is a collection of six interactive electronic paper toys. It's designed and developed by a trio of French designers and each toy is silkscreen printed onto perforated paper. These are then activated by conductive silver ink, metal marbles, button cell batteries and other electronic components.

The gadgets within the book include a piano, a gyroscope, a tuneful marble track and a wind sensor.

The book has just launched on Kickstarter and below is a teaser film for a previous version to give you a sense of how the toys work.

Friday, 12 January 2018

60 years of logos

Lovely short film celebrating the achievements of Ivan Chermayeff and Tom Geismar.