Wednesday, 18 January 2017

Loving Vincent

This is a simply stunning piece of work. Check out the website here and check out the film if you get the chance.

Monday, 16 January 2017

In-camera light paintings by Hannu Huhtamo

Finnish artist Hannu Huhtamo creates these stunning images by utilising a variety of different light tools, all captured within camera and with absolutely no additional Photoshop work added.

More beautiful work from Eran Hilleli

Used as the opening titles at the Style Frames Design Conference.

Wednesday, 4 January 2017

Dizzying wall graphics by Peter Kogler

Transforming galleries, transit centres and office lobbies into 'vertigo-inducing' experiences.

Not sure I like the sound of it but the look is absolutely spectacular.

Salman Khoshroo's palette knife portraits

Truly wonderful work (the scale of which is, in no way, done justice here).