Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Burlesque Disney

Disney's princesses get the burlesque treatment courtesy of graphic designer Madhanz.

Thursday, 20 June 2013

Monday, 10 June 2013

Shave It

My Happy End

My Happy End from Talking Animals on Vimeo.

Hollywood tribute to dance

Get out yer seat an' move yer feet...

Smart ideas for smarter citeis

Yes they are, well played IBM.

A special delivery of your dog's shit

Got to say, I'm totally on board with this project and love the fact it's been done - and how it's been done.

I have a dog. She shits. When she does, I pick it up in a bag and chuck it in a bin. It's not hard and it really annoys me that not all dog owners do it.

Thankfully, I live in London and not Madrid where, apparently, the problem really stinks.

And, just for the hell of it, here's my dog - her name's Peppa and she is, obviously, the greatest dog on the planet.

Insect Embroidery

Produced by Claire Moynihan and snappily titled Bug Balls.

Adobe Creative day

The Struggle

A joyous addiction.

Wednesday, 5 June 2013

One Dollar Shave Club push out a solid number 2

Remember this?

A very amusing first effort. And now there's a second, equally amusing effort.