Tuesday, 29 May 2012


Beautiful quilling art created by: http://iron-maiden-art.deviantart.com/gallery/

It's what spandex was made for

Imagine how it would look if all the male Avengers had to pose in the same way as The Black Widow.

And now imagine no longer.


It's cool, admit it.


Great idea, well thought out and well executed. This job can be so simple if it's allowed to be.

Chalk warfare

Love this...


Was looking on If This Is A Blog earlier and came across this rather brilliant ad for Zonajobs.

Wouldn't it be great to be able to show something like this over here?

Monday, 28 May 2012

People as pixels

Artist Craig Alan creates iconic images from pop-culture using people as pixels, and the results are very cool indeed.

(Source: devidsketchbook)

Marvel at these

Even though they look like photographs, the images below are in fact paintings created by the immensely talented Sharon Moodey. Every detail is beautifully recreated in paint to give the completely realistic feel of looking at a photograph - that means every frame on every page and every letter of every word!

Amazing stuff. (Source: It's nice that).

Friday, 18 May 2012

Absolute tosh

Nike's ad for Euro 2012 - it's bollocks.

Present day

Interesting animation showing the changes to Europe from 1000 AD up to the present day.


Deleting Toy Story 2

Here's a very charming animation outlining the true story of how Toy Story 2 was almost completely deleted before it had been released (thanks Nick).

Friday, 11 May 2012

It's not a game anymore

Really nice press ads warning of eco oblivion if we don't all change our horribly wicked ways.

Not an altogether original idea but well done and I particularly like the copy - straight, to the point, and hard hitting.

Friday, 4 May 2012

Thinkbox 'Rabbit'

I really like this ad. I've read some reviews that have the opposite opinion but I think it's a really charming and entertaining idea.

Anyway, whatever you think, it's made it's way on here.